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Sunday, May 13, 2012

AWW 9.05.2012: Two For The Price Of One





Cometh the hour, cometh the man – so they say.And that man was JohnO, stepping into the breach to lead a walk while many AWWs were otherwise occupied. And cometh the hour, cometh the woman, too – because into the breach also steps Ingrid, consummate photographer, statistician and track recorder. Clearly,a potential blogger-in-waiting. It is her sharp observation that draws our attention to the Leader´s snazzy new boots and to the young Alex´s snappy stetson.

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The Starters at Lagoa Fatacil (all pics courtesy: Ingrid)


Walkers:- Tina, Alex, Ingrid, Rev. Bob, Dina, Peter, David L, and not forgetting the Intrepid Leader, John O'

Attendants:- Alfie and Rosie

The Track (courtesy: Ingrid)

track  9.5.12

The Statistics (courtesy: Ingrid)

moving time 3 h 37 m total time 4 h 33 m
moving avg 4.6 km/h overall avg 3.6 km/h
tot.ascent 143 m max elev.218 m
Distance 16.6 km

The walk had been advertised as a lateral walk, but Alex says that was a mistake. Never mind, it didn´t deter folks, not even Peter who, judging by the photos, was in sparkling form despite having worked late into the wee sma´ hours the night before, installing a new telephone system for “Management”.


The Leader´s Report

“The merry month of May introduced our elite eight walkers (plus 2 dogs) to warm weather,balmy air,flowers and rising energy. Contrary to normal Wed. walks, the enthusiasm was indicated by an early start (10 minutes before designated time). (Is this a record?)

“We skipped along merrily until the Algarve cycle path was located. From here we meandered--full of chat and banter, along uninhabited country lanes. A deeply rural, peaceful region with a vast range of wild flowers.


“Then some slow-moving cloud,a little breeze in the trees that encouraged the conversation and singing of the many and varied birds.



“Eventually we reached the spectacular area of Senhora da Rocha where an early"brunch" was enjoyed.




“From here we experienced the sun, the blue of the sky, the distant moving fishing boats in the sun-dappled water.
Our return journey along the cliffs was eventually spoilt when some newly born puppies were discovered in distress.
They were rescued by members of the group who merit a special thanks.


”Our 16.6K May meander was finally concluded at Fatacil where, with some effort, we enjoyed well-deserved cold drinks.”
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The Leader, the Blogger-in-Waiting….. and the Leader´s new boots



Meanwhile, in sunny Alvor, things had taken a more serious turn……

…..9 AWWs plus 2 Mountain Bikers were spending a full day on a Basic Life Support & First Aid course, with only one hour off for good behaviour and an economical three-course lunch.

(From the left):- Hazel, Rod, John, Jorge Marques (INEM), Antje, João Mendonça (INEM), Hilke, José Marvão (INEM), mountain-biker Frank, co-ordinator Ana Cristina (AFPOP), mountain-biker Mark, Lindsey, Ian, Frank and Jim.

Your Blogger invited Rod to pen a few magisterial words after the event.And here is Rod´s commentary:-

“So if you thought those of us who attended the First Aid Course were just having a cushy time whilst the rest of you were vigorously exercising yourselves (sorry about the dentist's chair, Janet!) well you had better think again! ....I can tell you giving 120 chest compressions a minute and puffing air into the lungs of the long suffering Annie (Resusci-Annie, the plastic maiden designed for the job in case anyone was getting envious!) was far more exhausting than anything you were up to.

“The Course was guided and presented, in very accomplished English , by 3 members of INEM and Hospital Emergency Units and it was clear that they knew from first hand experience what they were talking about and presented it with professionalism and humour. We have all read First Aid books or pamphlets but there is no better way of learning about Basic Life Support procedures than actually practicing them physically and repetitively. This we the point of exhaustion !

Rod about to go to work on Ian


Ian tries to get his own back on Rod

“I think we can all feel a little more comfortable that that in the event of a medical crisis on a walk, and indeed at home, the luckless victim will now have that much of a better chance of receiving the right attention and we also know much better from where and how help may come and how best to call for it.

Hazel puts her back into CPR

“Of course we will all divulge our newly learned knowledge to anyone who wants to listen but I really would like to emphasize that this will be absolutely no substitute for actually attending a course. I personally suggest that everyone, and not only AWW's, should attend a course.......and not just a course but this one which is given by the very people who will come to your aid and help you in an emergency. €100 isn't much for a life.

“These courses are available to groups of reasonable numbers; I know AFPOP are hoping to run some shortly, but anyone could put together a group. Ana Cristina (T/M 968905103), who is part-time with AFPOP, coordinated this one for us and I am sure will be pleased to do so again or advise if there is one for you to join.”

All of us who took part would fully agree with that.


  1. What a bonus - never mind the new boots what about the socks! Ingrid has ably demonstrated her abilities should we have another absence of Designated Bloggers - the first time as I recall that not even John, Yves or myself have been present in some form on the weekly walk. Can we nominate her as the BB (not Brigitte Bardot) the Breach Blogger for the way she ably stepped into it!
    Some of Ian's resuscitation moves in Part Deux look a bit dodgy - I am surprised that one got past the censors, but you know these Public Schoolboys!
    I am glad that the chances of having a life saver around for our walks is greatly enhanced, but if that is the treatment, then I would prefer it to be one of our First Aiders of the feminine persuasion.
    From a Distance,

  2. Wish I were there for both events!! Congratulations to John O' and Ingrid. A very good Blog with beautiful photos. Here in Stratford-Upon-Avon, it is still COLD. It seems that Winter has returned!!
    Best wishes to John O' for a successful pilgrimage. Please keep us posted of your whereabouts.


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