The weather forecast was dreadful with rain, wind and overall unpleasantness on the menu; still, no fewer than 18 brave Walkers gathered in Bordeira, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, mostly… Some kind souls extended commiserations about some distant mishap to a lone Frenchman who had strayed in among the group; the requisite snap was snapped and Chris and Antje led us away over the hills but not that far away.
As happens sometimes, the group dynamics pulled the leaders this way or that, towards the odd uncheduled trig-point or enforced stop to retrieve blown hats (most Thilleys do have a chin-thtrap, and it was suggested that the Treasurer should invest in a box of Walkers’ Patented Drawing Pins to secure said hats). She promised to set-up a committee to investigate such expense.
The dogs were behaving themselves and sniffed out a new friend who stayed with us for a while. Fortunately, despite one or two half-hearted attempts, the rain held off and we reached the safety of the café in Bordeira where we soon filled just about evey available space, with the exception of two older chaps who were clearly nonplussed by the volume of sound coming from a small Walker who made more announcements than a HeadMaster at the beginning of Term; all very relevant information that will be reiterated soon in RTC bulletins and in this Blog. There was a brief interlude when a debt of honour was settled, a minor to-do about that distant mishap…and as the group disbanded, peace returned to the little café.
A good walk, for which we thank Chris and Antje.
The route: courtesy of ever-efficient John and his trusty device.
The stats: thank you Paul
Total distance: 20.47 km
Total Time: 5 hrs
Moving Time: 4hrs 15 min.
Overall Avg.: 4 km/hr.
Moving Avg.: 4.7 km/hr.
Total Ascent: 719 m.
Max Elevation: 174 m.
The leaders:
The Starters: Paul and Myriam, Rod, Maria, Andrew and Lindsey, John' O, Jim, John H and Hazel, Tina, Yves, Dina, Ingrid, Terry A and Peter S.
The Bounding Hounds: Tiggy, Sasha, Misty, Ember, Rusty and Cybèle
The Leader’s Report:
An uneventful walk in Bordeira
Despite an adverse weather forecast, eighteen hardy souls gathered at the appointed time at the still closed café in Bordeira. Fortunately the first non-event of the day was short lived, so that caffeine demands could be met and nature's calls answered before departure.
The dogs were pulling hard away from Rod; what were they worried about?
The silence was soon shattered in the hills…
The route had been planned to take in an extra loop so that the distance walked would be at least 20km, as part of a gentle build-up to the RTC next month.
Thank you for being so helpful, ladies.
Tackling the first steady incline at a good pace we soon reached the top, whereupon a previously un-noticed trig point was spotted, causing an instant diversion to admire it and the surrounding view, which mostly included rain clouds all around.
The unintended trig-point
No rain thus far, but on the descent a significant headwind started to develop. Back on the original track, Peter S decided to opt for the shorter version of this walk and return to Bordeira rather than continue beyond the point of no return.
Auf wiedersehen, Peter, Cybèle…
Passing the now dormant killer bees, another non-event, took us onto another long climb, which with the wind behind us was hardly noticed.
…and the animals and the Walkers went up two by two…
Turning towards the coast brought us into full contact with the now gale force headwind. Finding shelter from this wind amongst some trees gave us time for a quick lunch, even though the seating possibilities were somewhat lacking.
We manned The Alamo while John wandered, lonely as a cloud that floats o’er vale and hill...
Peace and harmony descended upon a bucolic lunch
…almost for everyone…
Terry A then pointed out a trig point hidden in the undergrowth, too late for the intrepid band who were already heads down into the wind. Tilley hats were well lashed down, a few lighter versions were in danger of flying away.
‘The wind was howling…’ – Kate Bush.
Then it was noticed that John H was no longer with us, although Hazel was not aware of his being missing. Soon a wind-swept figure was spotted on the distant skyline and we duly waited until he caught up. The only event of the day can now be recorded, as advised by John, who whilst answering a call of nature behind the only available bush for miles allowed his hat to blow away, having his hands full as it were. Recovery of the hat was therefore a time consuming and delicate matter. Sorry about that, John, but on an uneventful walk what else is there to mention ?
Perhaps Maria being chatted up, but remaining unimpressed?
Or the Ladies’ Game of Musical Chairs?
…and guess who won when the music stopped?
Or the Walkers going bananas, again?
El Picador!
Yes, these are Maria’s hands after his bucket…
Indeed! Windswept but still smiling!
No falls, dog fights, or lost persons (well, almost one) but everyone seemed to enjoy the day, especially as the promised rain didn't arrive until we had all reached the by now very crowded café, soon to be completely taken over by AWW's.
Sagres, the universal panacea for sore feet, knees and things
A debt of honour repaid; next time, Paul, next time…
“The true charm of pedestrianism does not lie in the walking, or in the scenery, but in the talking” Mark Twain (who could he have in mind?)
....and not to forget the bonus video:-